Luís Mendieta - coronel da Polícia Colombiana, refém das FARC há 9 anos.
"During these last years, we thought we had reached the limit of suffering, but after nine, eight, seven years of captivity we've reached the conclusion that the suffering caused by kidnapping knows no limits...
It is not the physical pain that wounds me, nor the chain around my neck that torments me, but the mental agony of all this, the evilness of bad people and the indifference of good people. It is as if we are worthless, that we do not exist. "
exxcerto de carta à rádio colombiana "caracol", que todos os domingos emite mensagens para os reféns detidos pelas FARC."[After being marched from camp to camp]: I had pain in my legs and bones from the walking, my feet became inflamed. When I first got ill, I could walk with a stick. The marcheBecause I was ill, they took off the chain around my neck, but then the (rebels) had to carry my personal effects and one day they disappeared. I was left with nothing, just what I was wearing...[Fellow hostages helped.] Delgado gave me pants, soap and a towel... Donato lent me trousers, Consuelo a shirt and Gloria a pair of socks... Alan gave me toilet paper...
[At times he was too ill to walk and had to be carried:]
I couldn't walk for about five weeks. The painful journeys by hammock, crossing rivers, difficult terrain. The places where they would leave me, insects of all kinds would arrive - flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, spiders, all kinds of bees, of wasps. I'd shoo them away time and again...
I had to drag myself through the mud to relieve myself, with only my arms because I couldn't stand up...
I'd say my health held out for six years, but since then I've had repeated problems...
In the last four years we have had no books to read...Alan, Donato, Murillo and I, we try to study English sometimes for an hour a day... sometimes Russian. Alan is a good teacher.. We also play cards and dominoes.
Consuelito [Consuelo Gonzalez] will no doubt tell you many things about all we have been through during these years. s went on and I kept getting sick, I was limping, and eventually I needed to use two sticks as crutches..."
excerto de carta à família na Colômbia
É bom que não nos deixemos iludir quanto à real natureza criminosa, narcotraficante e opressora das FARC, pelas manobras de relações públicas e encobrimento político que as mesmas merecem por parte de Hugo Chávez. Organização Terrorista é sem tirar nem pôr a natureza específica e até ver, imutável, das Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia. O sofrimento que as mesmas impõem é demonstrado pelo conteúdo dos execertos acima citados. O que é curioso ver é como a libertação das duas reféns mereceu todo o destaque e palmadinhas nas costas, mas nenhuma palavra se acrescentou aos que permanecem literalmente agrilhoados em condições desprezíveis à mão de traficantes supostamente "revolucionários".